Swat 4 mission 13 where is the briefcase

Many men with body armor and high-powered weapons stormed in, ready to take diamonds. There are many hostages inside the building too. The top floor is pretty much nothing but offices. The middle floor has a couple offices and a couple showrooms. The lowest floor has the vault and little else. There are doors everywhere, necessitating specific clearing patterns to keep enemies from slipping behind you. Polish up those Colt M4A1 Carbines, because they're getting a field test.

All that armor makes JHP rounds totally pointless, naturally. Keep everything else the same This mission is HARD. It's the hardest mission in the game in my opinion. Just try to think of it this way: it gets easier from here on out. The biggest issues in this mission are the hostages. Even on the easiest difficulty level, the suspects will have no problem taking out a hostage if they're close by when they see you.

Remember that you're allowed to fire if they're aiming at a hostage. Lose a hostage, and your mission will fail although you can continue playing it. Now, despite my touted PyroFalkon Accuracy when it comes to my walkthroughs, this mission is so insane and difficult that I actually recommend you ignore what I say if it seems appropriate to. For example, if I tell you to take a room, and you scan it and see that a suspect is looking directly at the door you're planning on going in, then forget what I said and try to go to a different door to gas him.

You'll probably call several audibles before this is over. Also, remember to use your ears. If you scout a room with the Optiwand, but you don't see anything, obstacles may block your vision of any suspect. Listen for a hostage's cry or a suspect's threat for a clue. Okay, here we go. Taking the front entrance is suicide, so start at the service entrance, but don't move.

Activate your snipers, and take out anyone you can. If hostages are in the room, aim carefully and go for headshots. If hostages are not in the room, aim for legs so you can get a small score for avoiding deaths. Okay, now you're going to clear the top floor in a clockwise pattern.

Bang and clear the first room, and stay in there for a little while because there are usually quite a few suspects roaming around. When it seems clear, look to the open arch. That leads to a small stairway. Clear it, but stay on the top floor. Next to the stairs is a door leading to a small office. We're going to clear it, but from a different way; don't bother wedging this door, though.

Return to your previous room, pass under the metal detector, then bang and clear the single door just beside it. Trace your way through the office to the door in the far corner. This leads to a balcony that overlooks the front entrance.

You'll have to move fast, and shoot faster if you see anyone. Bang and clear it, then trace your way around the balcony to the next open arch. Get in there and clear, then verify that your snipers' rooms are clear. In this hall are four offices. Call the first one on the right Office E. The two offices to the left are partially covered by your snipers, so they're the easiest to clear. Leave blue to cover the hall, then take red and clear the first office on the left.

Return to the hallway, then clear the second office on the left from the hall also. Tell blue to cover the door to Office E, then take red and gas and clear the final office from this hall.

This office, with a projector, connects to Office E. It's easiest to clear Office E from the projector room, so gas and clear it now. Bring the whole element back together, then clear the next hallway from the projector office.

Hopefully you have at least three other officers still. Breach, bang, and clear the office in the corner; if the door is already open, gas and clear it instead. If your guys are stacked up, they'll be ready when your breach goes off. Exit that office, then take the final door in this hall, you'll be back in the first room the one with the metal detector. Now, go back to the room with the single staircase. Clear as you go; it's pretty straightforward at first.

When you get to the vault, clear it without a grenade. The place is WAY too tight to use any grenade; they become counter-productive. Spread out with your team as best you can to cover all the different paths inside it.

Aside from the safe deposit boxes SDBs , there is one other room connected with two doors. Bang and clear the room through the door closest to the SDBs. You've cleared two floors of this hell, and if you have two other officers healthy at this point, you're in good shape.

Return to the middle floor, and look at the doors. One door is parallel to the stairs, positioned about halfway along the wall. Wedge it; even though it's a double door, one wedge will do.

Bang and clear the other door; this is the first step of clearing this floor counterclockwise. This first room is large with a wooden barricade in the middle of it. The barricade has glass, but it's not even close to bulletproof. Carefully move your way around it, then, like you did with the SDB room, clear it without a grenade. Watch your team's ass when you hit this room. Now you have two more doors.

The door in the far corner call it Door F is the one you want to go through, so wedge the other one. It leads to the same hallway that led from the first door you wedged; you're basically sealing the hallway for now. Go to Door F, then bang and clear the room. Go through the other door, and you'll be back at the entrance of the whole area. Turn left and go through the other double doors to the hall you have otherwise sealed.

In this hall, there is only a single door unwedged. Hit that room with a bang, clear it, and you should be finished. If the mission still is not complete, someone probably got around you and went upstairs.

Head back up and retrace your steps, but do so carefully. If you've opened doors, remember to look for closed ones to follow your prey, and use liberal use of your Optiwand. Police checked the paper trail, and they found large amounts of chemicals and fertilizer being bought to the house.

The danger is imminent, and the explosives are unprotected, so now is the time to move. The true fly in the cottage cheese is the fact that the buildings are shaped like a U, so while you're on one side, you can be seen from the other. This makes movement difficult, and stealth of the essence. Remember not to blow away the suspects when you see it; remember your ROE. By now, you're getting the hang of the proper patterns to clear areas. Start at the fire escape for two reasons: 1 it's easier to shoot down than up, and 2 you'll only have to move one direction down instead of two up then down or down then up.

Remember that you're trying this one Metal Gear Solid style, so pick the lock on the door to get inside the building. Bang and clear the hall. Wedge the first door to your right; this is a stairwell, and you need to seal it as soon as possible. Continue down the hall, but watch your right when you're exposed in the windows.

Tell blue to cover the hall when they're away from the windows , then take red and clear the first room on the left, which leads to a kitchen. The first door on your left leads to a large area that serves as a makeshift staircase down to the first floor. Tell red to wedge the door; we'll worry about that room later. For now, clear the other door attached to the kitchen. Turn left to go into an even smaller kitchen, and stack up at the next door.

Scout it; it should lead to a room with a projector, sort of looking like a worship or meeting room. If you see a threat and the door is locked, breach and clear. If you don't see a threat, or if you see a threat and the door is unlocked, bang and clear the room instead. Go through there, then stack up at the next door.

The next room where Sniper One is scouting. Clear the area with your sniper as much as you can, then bang and clear the room.

Ignore the first door to your right, and instead take the door around the corner; they lead to the same room. The white door in this little room leads back to the hallway, so don't worry about it. Instead, personally gas and clear the adjacent door-less bathroom if there are any threats, then stack up at the final door with red.

This room is being watched by Sniper Two. Clear it with the sniper and then go in as you did before. With that done, the whole second floor is secure, clear, and cut off from the enemy. Return to the hallway, call blue back over, and descend to the first floor using the stairs in the hall at the opposite end from where you entered it.

Now, because you started from the fire escape, there is a slim chance that someone will be in the small entrance to the building which is at the foot of the stairs.

You can see if there's anyone there through the windows, but open the door regardless of threats. If the door is locked, pick it; no reason to waste a C2 charge. Okay, red has had all the glory so far, so it's their turn to cover the hallway. Assuming you're coming down the stairs, bang and clear the first door on your right.

There are three attached rooms here. Look left as you come into the room; this is Door H. To the right is Door I. Across from you is a kitchen. Personally gas and clear the kitchen, then bang and clear Door H with blue.

With that done, bang and clear Door I. Now, in Door I, there is a white wooden door without a design. This is Door J, which leads to that stairwell we wedged earlier. Tell blue to wedge Door J, then personally clear the door with a design it leads to a tiny bathroom. Return to the first floor hallway; we'll deal with the stairwell later too. Okay, reunite the element, then bang and clear the remaining door of this hall. The first door on the left leads to that big room joining the first and second floors; wedge it.

We'll deal with it soon. Lead the element back to the first door you wedged on this floor near the stairs and entrance. As soon as you're through, tell the element to gas and clear the first door to the right. Meanwhile, you need to gas and clear the kitchen, then cover the door there in case the element scares anyone out of it. Once that section is clear, you have successfully cleared the entire upper floors save the big room.

That's what we're hitting next. Tell the element to fall in, then return to the top floor. Cut your wedge away from the door leading to the staircase. Bang and clear that room by working your way down and around; if the door is locked, breach, bang, and clear it.

Remember that the lower door is wedged, so no one can run. All that's left is the stairwell and basement. Return to the top floor, and cut away the wedge you placed. Head down the stairs slowly. When you get to the bottom-most door, it will probably be locked.

Breach it, but don't use a grenade because there's no room for your guys to have cover while you throw it. Prepare yourself for what you're about to see You'll be in a room with a graveyard full of the cultists' children. I mean, I know it's just a game, but still It's just chilling. Anyway, if you're still not done, there's one room attached to the graveyard.

Bang it, clear it, and that should do it. Here's hoping Andrew Taronne gets life. Although he was saved, many of the surviving attackers escaped.

The diplomat was taken to a hospital for treatment, but several gunmen rushed the hospital hours after. There was not enough time for a proper security detail to guard him, and it can only be assumed the gunmen are not going to be beaten back. The top floor has the lobby and operating rooms, while the bottom floor has research rooms. No snipers will be available to assist you.

C2 for breaching equipment. Your bullets easily penetrate the glass, but for some reason the enemies won't take advantage of it. You can shout compliance through the glass, and you won't have to worry about them firing at you until they have a clear non-window-blocking shot.

The bad guys don't want to be taken alive. They will often do a "suicide by cop" technique, either aiming at you or hostages once they hear your voice. Remember that if they're on the other side of a window, hear you, and aim at a hostage, you are cleared to kill them.

Start the mission from the front door, and bang and clear the first room the lobby. As you enter the lobby, bear left. There is a door leading to a small waiting area, but beyond that is a door leading downstairs. Wedge that door. Then, get behind the reception desk, clear that little room, and wedge the far door.

Return to the lobby, then follow the wall left from the room behind the reception desk. The next pair of double doors is your next target. Get in there, bang, and clear.

Check the side room to your right the operating room as you travel down this hall. Two rooms that are connected to each other are slightly off the hall you're currently in, so we're going to take care of those. Turn the corner to the right, and tell blue to cover the hall. Then, take red into the door closest to you. Clear that room and the one through it, then you'll rejoin blue in the hall.

Continue down the hall, past the dead girl on the stretcher to the left, and approach the small desk to the right. First, scout the double doors to the left in case anyone is in that hall.

Then, look at the single doors; the one to the right is directly behind the small desk. Have blue cover that door, then tell red to gas and clear the other one. With that done, you'll have cleared the first floor. Return to the lobby, and go to the single door leading to the staircase. Cut away your wedge and enter the stairwell. Open and clear the door at the bottom of the stairwell without a grenade.

Wedge the double doors to your left, then turn right. There's a single door at the end of this tiny hall. Tell blue to cover it, then go down the main hall and take the first door on your right. Bang and clear, then gas and clear the adjacent shower room.

Reunite the element, then go back into the main hall. Go the end, scout and turn the corner to the left, then observe the door to the autopsy room. This is Door K. Gas and clear the autopsy room. Tell blue to stay in there and cover the other door, then take red back through Door K. Turn left, then bang and clear the hall through the double doors.

At the next corner, bang and clear again. Finish that hall, and you should be done. Whenever he stops by, a bunch of illegal Russian weapons show up on the streets. The police have managed to get an undercover officer into Koshka's operation, who reported a Koshka's latest deal. It's two stories tall plus a one-room basement, with enough of an external area to be a problem.

The undercover officer who got into the Koshka operation is named Keith Jennings. You need to meet up with him.

He will immediately drop his weapon and surrender no matter what difficulty you're on, once you shout compliance of course. However, be aware that he is carrying a pistol, and he will "act" like a suspect to secure his role.

The reason I point that out is that you get your snipers back for this one. Jennings wears an unbuttoned green coat over a white sweater and brown pants, has short dark brown hair, wears glasses, and carries a silver-colored pistol. You can also see a picture of him on the briefing screen. If you have him in your sniper's crosshairs, do not pull that trigger.

Okay, starting out, make your entry from the side alley. Pull up your snipers and eliminate anyone you can, again being aware of Keith Jennings. Once you're ready to move out, follow the wall to your right.

You'll end up entering the building through a hole in the wall. Tell blue to cover the door to the right, then take red and clear room behind the left. In that room is another, smaller room a bathroom.

Otherwise, that room is by its lonesome. Go back to the first room to rejoin blue. Tell the element to gas and clear the door blue had been guarding.

Go through there, then scout the white wooden door. If there is an enemy near it, use C2 even if the door is not locked. If there is no enemy in sight, just bang and clear the hall.

Once you're in the hall, wedge the first door on your left. This is a stairwell, which you don't need to worry about yet. The first door on your right leads outside; ignore it.

The next door you see leads to a room, and the one after that leads to a second stairwell. Tell blue to cover the door to the second stairwell, then tell red to gas and clear the small room on this floor. Once they do, wedge the other door in there.

Return to blue, and take the element down the stairs. Wedge the door to the basement, then climb to the second floor.

Scout under the door; again, if you see anyone, order the element to use C2 even if the door is unlocked. Otherwise, bang and clear. Things get weird upstairs, because fallen furniture is in your way and doesn't make movement as smooth as downstairs as if it's smooth in the first place.

Once you're through the door, you'll have to turn right and go into a really broken room to advance. You can step out onto the balcony through a white door, but look at Sniper One's view first; he's got a perfect line to that balcony, possibly saving you a trip. Take the element and clear the rest of the second floor as you come to it. The area is rather cramped, so make liberal use of your gas and bangs, and you should be fine.

Additionally though it is not said in the briefing , there are bombs on-site. In truth, the entire map is only two floors. The lower floor contains a few hotel rooms, a break room, and a small construction area. That area leads to a large construction area, which takes up the entire second floor.

The construction areas are littered will all sorts of crap, making for cover for you and the baddies. There are four bombs you'll have to disarm, one of which is in the stairwell joining the two floors.

The other three are in various rooms around the second floor construction area. That second floor, by the way, feels friggin' huge. The enemies are armored, but the halls are too small to use the M4A1 Carbine. Equip everyone with the GB36s and standard tactical gear.

The plan is to snipe everyone possible on the upper floor, then clear the lower floor, then head up and clear the upper floor while taking care of the bombs.

Simple, huh? Okay, start in the elevator shaft. Take point, and lead the element to the hallway. Tell blue to cover the hall to the left, and tell red to cover the hall to the right. Then, crouch between them, and open your sniper window. Blast away anyone you see who's wearing a green balaclava. With the threats down, take red and proceed down the hall to the right. Use the Optiwand to make sure you don't have an unwelcome surprise as the hall bends. When you reach the door that leads to the construction area it's a flimsy wooden thing , wedge it.

Now it's time for the hotel rooms. You'll have to adjust my following words depending on a certain circumstance. If a door is locked, then you'll need to scan the room with the Optiwand. If you see anyone and the door is locked, breach the door with C2 and ignore the grenade I recommend. If you see no one, pick the lock, and go with the grenade. Okay, we're starting easy. Gas and clear the nearest hotel room room to that door. It's comprised of only the main room and a dark bathroom, so it should be easy to clear.

Exit the room and proceed back along the hall to the next room, Scout it with the Optiwand. If you see anyone, or the bathroom door in the same location as in room is open, bang and clear the room. Otherwise, gas and clear it. If the bathroom door was closed, scout it, then clear it as you see necessary.

The other door in this room leads to room , which is being watched by Sniper One. Between the sniper's view and your Optiwand, you'll be able to view damn near the whole room. If you see no one, take point and just lead red in yourself. Use the Optiwand to check the area near the bathroom and closet, because that is one area the sniper cannot see. If you have reflections turned on in your option screen, and the bathroom door is open, you'll be able to use the bathroom mirror to scout the whole room without entering.

Clear the whole thing at your discretion, then exit into the main hallway. Sniper One is now finished. You should be standing in front of blue. Unite the element, then proceed down the hallway. Again, use the Optiwand to check around the hall corners so you don't get jumped. Proceed to the end of the hall, and tell blue to stack up at the door to the construction area.

Near it is a break room; scout it, because you'll be able to see everything in the room. If you see a suspect, gas and clear. If you only see a hostage or civilian, just go on into the room and taser his ass if he doesn't comply. Gas and clear the final hotel room room with red also. With that done, tell the element to stack up at the nearby construction door where blue is already hanging out.

Now, this next step needs to be done fast, so read the entire paragraph and go over it in your head before doing it. First, tell gold to bang and clear. Enter the thin area, turn left, and tell blue to immediately stack up the door to your immediate right.

This leads to the stairwell linking the two floors. Tell red to fall in, personally throw a gas grenade down the hall, and quickly go and secure anyone you see. Also throw a gas grenade or flashbang into the room at the end, because there's a blind spot where you may be ambushed if you just go in.

With that, the entire lower floor is clear. If all four of your fellow officers are still on their feet, you're in good shape. Tell gold to stack up or cover the door to the next floor depending on whether it's open , then check Sniper Two again. Blow away any new suspects in his sights, because we'll be there soon, and we'll be on a time limit. Move and clear into the stairwell, then head up.

One of your officers will point out a suitcase, and your alter ego will send a message to TOC. Use the Wave to disarm the bomb, then continue up the stairs. You now have 9 minutes and 13 seconds to disarm the rest of the bombs there are four total, so you only need to take care of three.

If you can disarm the bombs in that time limit, the time limit will clear, and you can take out the rest of the enemies at your leisure. The bombs' locations jump around randomly, so you'll need to use your ears as well as your eyes to locate the suitcases. At the top of the stairs, wedge the door to your left, then take gold and open and clear the door to the right without a grenade. Enter, close the door behind you, and re-wedge the door.

We're going to take this section counterclockwise, and we're not going to waste time using the Optiwand from here on out. Assuming you're entering the room, turn right and proceed down the hall.

Gas and clear the first door to the right, then exit back to the hall. Due to the time limit, tell your guys to deal with cuffing people while you run around securing weapons and reporting. Exit the room, turn right, and turn left around the corner.

The next room to the right needs to be gassed and cleared too. Do so, exit the room, turn right, and turn left around the corner. The next door to your right leads to a large area being watched by Sniper Two. Check one last time for targets, then go in and clear the first part. Throw a bang around the corner, then turn it and clear the second area.

Again throw a bang around the next corner, and yet again go and clear. A bomb is usually near the door; if the door is open, tell gold to just move and clear through the door while you disarm the bomb.

You'll be back in the building, and your snipers are now done. Once through the door, turn right, then turn left as the hall bends. Gas and clear the next door you see to your right. You'll be back in the open, but you'll have no snipers to help you.

Bear left a bit, and put your crosshairs next to the portable toilet. You'll actually be allowed to give a "gas and clear" order despite a lack of a door, so do it. Exit the room, and continue along the hall. You'll soon be on the wedged door leading to the stairwell. With that entire section done, there's only one more room to cover.

Cut your wedge, then go into the stairwell again. Then, cut away your wedge from the other door on that landing. Bang and clear the room, and throw a gas grenade personally if you have one. Secure everyone there, and you should be done. If not, search the construction area of the second floor again. The Army of Faith opposes DNA testing and stem cell research; this lab was a leading location for such research.

Although university police contained suspects within the building, there is also an unknown number of hostages and civilians inside. The suspects cut the security system, so no one has any idea of specific numbers. Also at large is a suitcase that contacts names and numbers of other scientists in the field, which means that needs to be secured too so the Army of Faith doesn't have more targets.

Complicating things more is the fact that there are two sets of stairs linking the floors, giving way too much room for the suspects to run around in. The halls and rooms are fairly open, and while there is a large number of windows everywhere, none of the glass is bulletproof. With the suspects possessing body armor and the area being pretty open, the M4A1 Carbine with FMJ rounds is the best weapon. Take your taser as a backup, as usual.

You need to take the Optiwand, one gas can, one bang, and two wedges. With 10 combines wedges, you should have enough to deal with all the doors. A couple of patrol cars responded quickly to the initial alarm, and the activists were trapped inside. Unfortunately, trapped along with them are building's late working scientists and graduate students. The suspects have already released a statement declaring their willingness to become martyrs, and we have evidence of their willingness to make martyrs out of others.

About the "Army of Faith". Whatever they believe, they are also well armed, well trained, and dedicated to their cause. We think they intended the same sort of high damage, high speed raid at Hologen.

However, university police were nearby, and acted quickly to stop them. Hologen is active in DNA cloning research, and we believe that is why they were targeted. Our suspects are led by Jean Trouffant. The central workstation contains several computer stations and fume hoods. It also serves as a chemical storage area. The cryogenics part is divided into two floors. But before students or scientists could enter into cryogenics laboratory they must enter into clean room and wear protective clothing.

In the cryogenics laboratory there are several computer stations as well as fume hoods. However since cryogenics is the study of the production and behaviour of materials at very low temperatures the whole laboratory is covered in hoarfrost and icicles are hanging from many tables and shelves. The stairs in this lab leads to the second floor with another cryogenics lab as well as another clean room.

The second floor also contains wet bench analysis and computer analysis. The room "wet bench analysis" contains several computer stations and every of these stations are connected to fume hoods where scientists could perform experiments on living cells such as cloning them.

Also there are various pictures depicting living cells - from animal to plant cells. The computer analysis are connected with wet bench analysis and it contains another computer stations, but also servers, archives with photographs X-ray cells and special lamps to watch X-ray photographs.

Also in whole research center there are various signs warning everybody about hazards in the laboratory such as ultraviolet light, acidic substances, biohazards, radioactivity and many others as well as signs ordering to wear protective clothing, gloves or masks.

The front entrance of the facility leads the team to a large room that bears a doorway opening into a long corridor stretching laterally with respect to the door, and a staircase that leads to the upper floor of the building.

On the other hand, the service entrance leads to a long passage-way bearing numerous doorways each individually leading into adjacent rooms and continuous passages. The suspects of this level are both well equipped and well armed. They take pride in their cause and are therefore difficult to cooperate with.

Neither the primary antagonist of the mission nor his accomplices wear gas masks which makes the usage of CS Gas a suitable choice. Although the doors appear to have narrow windows on them, they are purely for aesthetic purposes and are not like those found in St. Michael's Medical Center. Since the armed gunmen will be least inclined to comply with the Officers, the use of less-lethal weaponry is essential in order to attain a high score.

The layout of the facility nearly resembles that of a maze since various rooms, corridors and passageways are thoroughly interconnected which deems it necessary to lock as in the case of the Elite Force mod or wedge doors to prevent suspects from fleeing successfully and engaging those who had fled initially into rooms that have been cleared already. This feature of the map also causes another hindrance in the progression of the team, where suspects commonly get attracted by noises and sounds occurring in a room that is currently in the process of clearing.

They may either interrupt the currently ongoing procedures or flee into adjacent areas adding excessive strain on the team. Thedore Sturgeon, one of the notable civilians that must be rescued, will normally be found in either the Animal Research rooms lying adjacent to the corner formed between Side 1 and 4 or in the large room of the upper floor found just above the underlying research rooms.

The briefcase that the team must secure will always be found in the same room where the Professor is located. SWAT 4.


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