Pll who is the girl in the red coat

They found themselves being pulled out of the fiery house and into safety by a mysterious figure that turned out to be Alison who was thought to be dead at the beginning of the series , at least according to Hanna and Mona, the only ones who saw the blonde when they awoke.

Then, in an unexpected development, the former lovers rekindle their romance — or so it seems. Are they OK now? If not, it certainly played a part, as she tells Ezra later to take the job — effectively ending their relationship. Spencer gets tested: It was a misdirect for the ages. When Spencer came across what she thought was Red Coat in the girls bathroom at the high school, only to see that it was Hanna, it was certainly a gasp-worthy moment.

But when it was revealed that Hanna, Emily and Aria were only testing their friend to see if she was truly still with them, there were some major sighs of relief.

Big A's red trench coat is thought to have been destroyed in "A DAngerous GAme", but it was used again, therefore we can assume the person owns more than one red coat. Hanna visits Mona in Radley Sanitarium thinking that her visits are helping. Mona turns and smiles, and Hanna thinks she's smiling at her, but she realises Mona is actually smiling at the chair behind her. Mona hallucinates Alison sitting there in a red coat, with her natural blonde hair colour, reading "Lolita.

We see Red Coat once more wearing a red hoodie. She is seen buying black hoodies and gloves for her employees. The store owner says to Red Coat "So, are you buying this for a team? The dramatic irony is that the Liars don't seem to understand that both Mona and Toby are simply workers for Red Coat. In the same episode, we also see Mona talking to Red Coat on the phone, learning that there is a "change of plans". Since Red Coat is usually the one planning out all of the "A" schemes, it seems as if the caller was her.

When Hanna goes to the boutique, she sees in the window's reflection a blonde girl wearing a red coat across the street, watching her. When Hanna turns around, the girl has disappeared. In the same episode, we see Mona and Toby talking in A's Lair. Mona refers to someone by saying "They need to understand she's in charge," which means Red Coat is a female.

Red Coat is seen in A's Lair using a blowtorch to burn a doll representing Hanna. The girl was seen wearing a red jacket and red nail polish. Emily remembers more of what happened "That Night".

She also remembers that Red Coat had blonde hair. Emily says that she is the one in charge. Spencer sees Red Coat after her date with Wren.

She manages to get away before Spencer can catch up to her. Red Coat appears to Emily for a second time while she is in her car waiting to meet up with Toby. However, she quickly vanishes after Emily catches a glimpse of her entering in Toby's workplace. It is presumed that Red Coat lured Emily by using Toby's phone. Aria sees Red Coat while she, Hanna and Emily are in the morgue posing as candy strippers. Aria follows her, almost catching Red Coat before she slips into an elevator and escapes.

She caught Spencer's attention and she followed Red Coat until Red Coat stopped at the girl's toilet. As Spencer touched her, Red Coat turned around and was revealed to be Hanna Marin who wore the coat in order to trick Spencer and find out if she was really part of The A-Team and knew who Red Coat was.

Spencer, however, only joined the team to find out if Toby was alive and to find Red Coat's identity. Spencer sees Red Coat get off the plane, and thinks it is Alison. After Toby and Spencer leave, the girls sneak in and corner Mona, but the cabin is suddenly on fire and Mona tells the girls that it is Red Coat's doing.

Locking inside, they urgently tried to find a way out and Mona reveals she does not know who Red Coat is either. Someone saved Emily, Aria and Mona from the fire. Hanna wakes up groggily and sees Alison staring at her in the red coat. A moment later, she is gone. Mona reveals Red Coat wears an "Alison" mask, meaning it could have just looked like Alison. Red Coat is briefly seen wandering around the Halloween Spooktacular Store while Lucas Gottesman receives a phone call.

This person's red trench coat looks different than the one Red Coat usually wears. Also, this person is wearing sneakers while Red Coat usually wears black heels. Red Coat did not have a physical appearance in this episode, but her coat is seen in the rubble at the lodge. After all, the reason I've been such a huge fan of Pretty Little Liars since the day it premiered is because I love watching a complex mystery, forming my own theories, and prowling the web to read fellow fan theories and clues I may have missed.

And typically, I don't hate cliffhangers — even if they do sometimes leave me shouting at my TV screen. But this Red Coat business wasn't even left as a cliffhanger. We're apparently supposed to just accept the nonsensical reveal that Sara Harvey has been under the coat all along and move on.

Five years in the future, there's an unidentified "he" after Ali, who appears to be the focus of Season 6B. That's fine and all, but before the show even begins to delve into that mystery, they need to give us the answers to these Red Coat questions. Seriously, under what circumstances did these two meet and how did they end up conspiring to terrorize Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer? All we were told in the finale is that CeCe "hired" Sara to help her.

What did she do, place an ad in the classifieds of the local paper?


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