Jms what is the difference between queue and topic
The user credentials are supplied at this level. It is probably common for a client application to share access to a single connection to the server unless different security credentials are required for different destinations. A session is created from a connection. The session may only be used by one thread at one time. The user credentials are inherited from the parent connection.
You can look at it like a tree. At the top you have a connection factory, beneath this you have your connections and then beneath the connections you have sessions. Interview Candidate Jul 27th, 5 First Prev Next Last. Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers.
Both work on 2 different comminication models. There is a specific sender and a specific receiver, and there is the intention of being acknowledged as such. On the other hand, in topic you only have a publisher and a subscriber or subscribers. There is anonymity in the identity of both the publisher and subscriber. Another main difference between the two is the number of recipients.
In queue, you only have one receiver or consumer; unlike in topic where in you can have your message be disseminated to a number of subscribers. Also, in topic, the publisher has to be continuously active for a subscriber to receive the messages. Otherwise the message will be reallocated. In queue you do not have to worry about timing because the sender will have the luxury to send messages whenever he or she wants to.
And the same goes for the receiver; he or she also has the liberty of reading it whenever he or she wants. In queue you will also be assured that as the sender you have successfully sent out your message because you will be notified by the receiver, but the same is not true for a topic system. There is even the risk of not having any subscribers.
The point-to-point or queue model works by the sender to receiver setup. In the queue model there is acknowledgement of the identity of the receiver and oftentimes the sender.
In the topic model there is anonymity in the identities of both the subscriber and publisher. What is the main difference between useRef and useState hooks? What is Strict Mode in React? Explain useFocusEffect hook in React-native. What are the Class component lifecycle methods in React? Mention the differences between redux persist and redux offline packages if you have used it. Explain Spring cloud annotations. What are Reactive Extensions in Microservices? Also this site includes many practical examples.
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