Is it possible to kill gunther deus ex
I was only fooling around and they let me get away with killing Agent Navarre which was pretty cool cause I didn't like her much. I'm pretty impressed the game even gave me this option. I tried to use this as a diversion to escape but the game is not letting me get away from the perimeter they set up no matter what I do even though it looks like I can obviously escape through a few different places. Turns out Gunther is really powerful or can't die at that part because he takes out all the troops and mechs.
I thought this was pretty funny and probably isn't supposed to happen. Last edited by Darkshowers ; 14 Mar, am. Showing 1 - 4 of 4 comments. Bashar View Profile View Posts. Yes, you're right. You're supposed to fail at this point in order for the story to progress.
Gunther is invulnerable and the ambush area is blocked off to prevent you from escaping. Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.
User Info: ZeroX. User Info: WolfAlmighty. You can kill all the soldiers and bots but Gunther's invincible unless you use cheats. With the right aug setup, however, you can leap over the crates that barricade you in and explore the eerily-empty Battery Park map, but in order to advance the story you'll have to get killed or captured by Gunther.
User Info: red If you are playing shifter, killing the mil bots is free skill points, but Gunther can tank enough gep rounds that you know he's immortal. If the next one is called, because of his MO, the underwear bomber, you'll know I'm on to something.
Calvin Trillin June 16, I read online that you could kill Nevarra before she kills that guy on the plane but I haven't been able to do it. Do you need cheats for that also? I've unloaded a ton of headshots on her User Info: BigBoct. No, it's very possible, but generally when I do it, I need to position myself so I can block bullets for him.
You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him. Posted July 06, Aridoom Aridoom Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Posted July 07, G-Flex G-Flex Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable.
Whether you die or surrender to Agent Hermann, you'll be sent to the next mission. Also, there is no special bonus to killing the other troopers in Battery Park. There might be a skill point bonus involved in reaching Battery Park to begin with, though; I forget. UniversalWolf UniversalWolf Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Posted July 19, This is actually an extremely lame part of Deus Ex. No matter what you do, the outcome will not change.
The first time I tried it, I could easily have escaped, but there are invisible walls stopping you from leaving the area. Next time I killed everything in my way except Grunty, but he's unkillable, so it doesn't matter. The whole thing should have been resolved with a cut scene or something.
They're so dangerous that Manderley and MJ won't take any chances of J. That having been said, as powerful as J. The presence of the mechs, armed soldiers, and the fact that you are bottle necked and trapped in the subway terminal are supposed to relay that message. Truth be told, the developers probably just threw that "I'll never surrender" part in just to create the illusion of 'freedom of choice.
Posted October 16, Yeah Gunther this ugly unkillable bastard Like UniversalWolf wrote it's a very lame - or better: frustrating - part of the game. I've wasted perceived hours to find out there's no escaping possible at Battery Park.