How old is etta may

Please notify the Box Office NPAC at the time of ticket purchase so that a platform for companion seating is reserved. Please ask the ushers for assistance to be seated. All entrances from the parking lots have ramps and are at sidewalk level.

A wheelchair-accessible elevator serves both levels of the Niswonger providing both the lower and upper lobby and auditorium. All restroom facilities offer handicap accessibility and a larger family restroom is available on the upper lobby level.

There are a limited number of handicap accessible parking spaces available in the front of the facility and in both the North and South campus parking lots.

These are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Alert the Facilities Manager of any special considerations. The Niswonger Staff is ready to assist with entry to and from the show. Please contact the Box Office in advance at or facilities npacvw. Please or silence all electronic devices when the house lights go down for the performance. We welcome you to access social media to share your experience during intermission or after the performance. The use of professional lenses and flash photography is strictly prohibited.

Flash photography may distract the performer and cause injury. There are no age restrictions for this family show. Children three and under are granted admission without a ticket so long as they are held by an adult ticket-holder. The VWAPAF reserves the right to preclude the attendance of children under the age of 5 years determined by the nature of the performance. Buy Tickets Now Become a Member.

Buy Tickets. Show Sponsors. Niswonger Performing Arts Center. There will be times when we make you cry and times we make you laugh because of my very funny family. The stage character, created nearly 30 years ago by an actress who keeps her real name private, is a middle-aged polyester princess with cat-eye glasses and her hair perpetually wrapped up in a bandana.

We were what was known as midnight movers. But sometimes she ventures farther afield. We all have phases in our life. Actually, Etta May works clean as a comedian. Etta May is on the road or sea — she does shows on about a dozen cruise ship trips a year for Royal Caribbean a lot; her show in Henderson will be her 11th in the first 17 days in November.

In truth, the actress behind Etta May said, people need to get off the couch and see live entertainment.


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