Where is the bid retraction form

As a seller, there are some situations where you can cancel bids that have been placed on your auction-style listings. To try to prevent potential buyers from being disappointed, we discourage the canceling of bids unless absolutely necessary.

However, you can cancel a bid when:. Tip When sellers remove a bid, we call it canceling a bid. To improve your help experience, please sign in to your account. Are you a seller looking to cancel a bid? Read our article on canceling bids and managing buyers. Was this article helpful for you? You might also be interested in:. This tool can be exceptionally useful when you come up against competitors who play dirty or when someone just wants to mess around with you and cause trouble.

When a buyer cancels a bid, eBay calls it retracting. Since eBay wants a fluid selling process that works for both parties, it discourages retractions as much as possible. Sometimes, you need to genuinely take a step back from a transaction, and there is a mechanism just for that.

It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Jennifer Still. It's possible to cancel a bid on an eBay item if you've done so in error. Canceling an eBay bid means you will need to bid again if you're still interested in the item. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Jennifer is a writer and editor from Brooklyn, New York, who spends her time traveling, drinking iced coffee, and watching way too much TV. You can find her on Twitter at jenniferlstill.

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