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Looking for ways to cope with stress? Need help? Visit CDC for resources. For guidance on face coverings, visit the CDC. Wash your hands - Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Clean and disinfect - This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.

The Weather Channel has compiled data provided by multiple third party sources including the World Health Organization, state and local agencies and other public sources as outlined below. These sources update and report data on various regular and irregular schedules, so from time to time there may be discrepancies between data reported here and data reported by individual sources.

Nearby Weather Stations. Radar Satellite. Low 52F. Winds light and variable. High around 65F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Low 53F. View on WunderMap Coronavirus Preparedness. Top Video Stories. See more Top Video Stories. Partly Cloudy. Actual Time. Civil Twilight.

Nautical Twilight. Astronomical Twilight. User profile for user: Bo15 Bo Jul 10, AM in response to hhamlett In response to hhamlett Shipments from Shenzhen leave on flights every evening non-stop to Anchorage about 10 hrs.

We also have flights to the states everyday from Hong Kong and Guangzhou, China which are close to Shenzhen.

Pretty sure most of the iPhones fly out of Shenzhen. Sometimes rarely a package can get hung up a little for customs. Fortunately FedEx takes care of all the customs processing. Enjoy your new iPhone and the fast shipping. User profile for user: daddave2 daddave2. Jul 10, AM in response to hhamlett In response to hhamlett Seriously? Do you grow impatient with microwaves too? Seems we sometimes forget how fortunate we are today.

How long do you think you would have to wait if your phone was shipping via the Nina, Pinta or Santa Maria? Jul 10, PM in response to daddave2 In response to daddave2 its not though dave join the 21st Century Jul 10, PM in response to hhamlett In response to hhamlett Hhamlett, I suggest you give yourself a reality check. It doesn't cost a thing and yet can be so helpful to one self.

Cheers mate! User profile for user: Joe Joe Jul 10, PM in response to hhamlett In response to hhamlett 24 hours!!! My wife's colored bumpers are indeed on Lantau Island as well and it has been twenty hours. It is definitely a theft and not a delay in updating the FedEx online information or just the normal course of delivery.

They were shipped for delivery on the fifteenth when They were not even supposed to ship until the seventeenth. OMG, they shipped early so those thieves could get their hands on them. Dang it. Will I survive. Anxiousness about getting your phone is understandable, but criticizing FedEx cause you thought the phone should have left Lantau already is just silly.


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