Where is puppet warp in cs6
You can use this distortion tool on almost any photo, but in this tutorial, I am going to give you a crash-course on how to make the most out of Puppet Warp command when distorting people in your photos. Puppet Warp provides a visual mesh that lets you drastically distort specific image areas while leaving other areas intact. Applications range from subtle adjustments to severe limb distortions.
In most cases, you will keep your distortions subtle to keep them realistic. However, in this tutorial, we will push the Puppet Warp Tool to the max and make drastic adjustments to completely reposition the arms and legs of the man in this composite. The first step to using the Puppet Warp command is to isolate the person or object that you would like to distort.
This often involves making a selection of the individual and masking-out the background. In this example, the man jumping was extracted from his background via a Layer Mask and placed into a Smart Object. The Puppet Warp command allows you to distort an image by clicking-and-dragging pins which distort the pixels to which they are attached. After you isolate the person in your scene, you will need to add the distortion pins so that you can start manipulating the pixel in your image.
Now when I zoom up on this change, you can see in some areas that there are some jagged edges, and that is because the pixels were set to 2 pixels, so the expansion was set to 2 pixels, which was too close to the edge of the giraffe. Now, you can see here, as I said, the expansion was set to 2 pixels. If you wanted to change it to more points, that will be great if you have some fine detail that you need to change.
Now, if I want to actually lock down the body, I need to add more pins, so I would add a pin at the neck, at the top of the tail, at the base of the tail, at the knees, and at the hip.
Now, if I move the head by just clicking on that pin at the head and moving it around, we can now see that the rest of the giraffe is locked down. If I want to move the feet, I can do the same thing. If I want to keep that actually quite straight, you can change the Mode. So we have Rigid, Normal, and Distort. So if we actually change the Mode in Puppet Warp to Rigid, it keeps that area much straighter and you have more control over the shape of your Puppet Warp, so that works well with legs.
Now the other mode that you can change to is Distort and what is cool about this is that you can change the perspective of your animal. So we can actually move the head this way and it looks like the giraffe is coming towards us, like a wide angle shot, so the perspective changes with Distort. You can actually use that, pin the rest of the object, and bring that further forward, or bring that further back, okay.
The rectangle surrounding the selected points automatically resizes as points are selected or deselected. To change the orientation of a warp style that you chose from the Warp menu, click the Change The Warp Orientation button in the options bar. To change the reference point, click a square on the Reference point locator in the options bar. To specify the amount of warp using numeric values, enter the values in the Bend set bend , X set horizontal distortion , and Y set vertical distortion text boxes in the options bar.
Do one of the following:. Split Warp. Click to split the warp vertically at that location. Click to split the warp horizontally at that location. Convert Warp interactions with different anchor points. Currently, the two Bezier handle movement options are: Unison : All handles move together when one is moved.
The icon is a circle. Independent : Each handle moves without impacting the other handles related to the anchor point. The icon is a square. Corner anchor points : By default, Corner points are set to independent movement. Puppet Warp. In the Layers panel, select the layer or mask you want to transform. In the options bar, adjust the following mesh settings:. Determines the overall elasticity of the mesh. Choose Distort for a highly elastic mesh good for warping wide-angle images or texture maps.
Expands or contracts the outer edge of the mesh. Show Mesh. Deselect to show only adjustment pins, providing a clearer preview of your transformations. To temporarily hide adjustment pins, press the H key.
To reposition or remove pins, do any of the following:. Drag pins to warp the mesh. To rotate the mesh around a pin, select it, and then do either of the following:.